In the greatest tragedy comedy show of Rio de Janeiro, the absurdity unfolds as Edilson Barbosa dos Santos receives a five-year prison sentence for his role in obstructing the investigation into the assassination of councilwoman Marielle Franco. It’s heartwarming to know that dismantling a car used in the crime truly is the way to earn yourself a golden ticket to the slammer, while the ones calling the shots are still out there, likely supervising the next interpretive dance of organized crime from the comfort of their plush armchairs.

Marielle Franco, a bright star in a council that occasionally struggles to remember what democracy means—in a land where the only black woman was taken out like some inconvenient piece on a chessboard—is a poignant reminder that we live in a world where the mere mention of a plea bargain might as well be an invitation to a cocktail party. Former policeman Ronnie Lessa, who seems to have accidentally turned this whole saga into his personal confession booth, is still waiting for sentencing like a contestant on a dark and twisted reality show where the prize is remaining free long enough to refashion the narrative.

Indeed, the tragicomedy doesn’t end there. Enter Chiquinho and Domingos Brazão, the dynamic duo who allegedly ordered Franco’s assassination, and deny any wrongdoing while surely waving their business cards for future illicit negotiations. Their connections to the militias—those benevolent neighborhood gangs that offer services like vending machine snacks but armed to the teeth—make one marvel at the irony: here they are, running a business that practically screams, “Your safety? Buy one, get one free,” while the government simultaneously plays the world’s slowest game of catch-up.

As the curtain closes on this bizarre and tragic scene, one can’t help but laugh at the existential theater of absurdity on display. Society’s pillars, each a ridiculous caricature of justice, stand firm, reminding us that in Brazil, the farce is as rich as the tropical soil, and the characters are just getting started.
